Renderoc RSXtra

Renderoc RSXtra is a blend of dry powders and graded aggreates which requires only the site additon of clean water to produce a highly consistent, high strength, free flowing repair concrete which self-compacts, Renderoc RSXtra exhibits excellent compatibility with concrete and good water repellent properties.



For emergency reinstatement of damaged or deteriorated concrete. The material can be used internally or externally and is particularly suitable for repairs to:„

  • Airport runways and aprons
  • „Areas where wheeled traffic requires fast return to service
  • „Industrial concrete floors


  • Renderoc RSXtra15 kg. bags
  • Nitobond AR1, 5 & 20 L containers


Renderoc RSXtra and Nitobond AR have a shelf life of 6months if kept in a dry store in the original, unopened bags or packs.